2024-11-18北區三人籃球挑戰賽本校三人籃球隊剛在過去星期六代表學校出戰北區三人籃球挑戰賽,成績不俗,雖然先贏兩局,但在第三局奮戰底下,仍以兩分之差落敗,無緣四強。期盼同學再接再厲,積極備戰學界籃球比賽。 2024-11-052425年度上學期 學習心得分享10月29日早會時段,課程組邀請了六信班黃子恆同學及六勤班吳承欣同學分享在學習中文及英文科方面的心得,全校同學專注聆聽,獲益良多。以下是當天兩位同學分享的內容,歡迎重溫。
2024-10-30Theme for October: Cartoon Characters Draw/Design a cartoon characterWe invite all students to draw a cartoon character or design their own cartoon character.
We will choose winners for all year groups. The best drawings/designs will win a prize and their picture may even make appear on the school website!
If you want to take part, then leave your drawing on Mr Max' s desk in the English Room by Friday 1st November. You may look at the pictures below for your reference.